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The ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ initiative has teamed up with various partners to launch several projects that pursue a common goal: to enhance Germany’s international visibility as a hub of ideas and innovation, of quality and creativity – in short, a place that is helping to shape the future in a positive way. From idea competitions and youth initiatives to publications portraying influential personalities – we invite you to explore the variety of projects we organise and see for yourself why Germany is truly a ‘Land of Ideas’.

Germany and Georgia

Germany and Georgia

For the third time, representatives from ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ met with Georgian partners to continue the dialogue on ‘location marketing’ initiated in 2015. This year’s exchange, sponsored by the German Foreign Federal Office, centred entirely on the German-Georgian Year of Culture 2017. more

DLD Campus Germany

DLD Campus Germany

The DLD (Digital Life Design) conference series has already traveled to cities including New York, London, and Tel Aviv. With the DLD Campus format, the concept was brought to a German university town in 2017. ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ is happy to be on board as a partner. more

africaXchanger - Young Leaders Hub Berlin

africaXchanger - Young Leaders Hub Berlin

Future-oriented innovations and a burgeoning start-up scene: Africa is a continent of ideas. ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ presented young entrepreneurs and their success stories at the Young Leaders Hub Berlin under the heading ‘africaXchanger’. more

Flying the Flag for Good Ideas

Flying the Flag for Good Ideas

Ideas and innovations require open minds – a fact impressively demonstrated in ten years of the ‘Land of Ideas’. Now the ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ initiative is promoting openness and equal opportunity with a new campaign: together with Zohre Esmaeli, we are flying the flag for good ideas. more



Sparking young people’s interest in industry and encouraging new blood in technical fields – these are the aims of the Tec2You initiative. more

Ideas for the Education Republic

Ideas for the Education Republic

The nationwide ‘Ideas for the Education Republic’ competition recognises projects and initiatives that promote equal educational opportunities for children and young adults. The ‘education ideas’ are selected by a panel of experts, and recognised with prizes at an awards ceremony. The competition was held under the patronage of Germany's Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka. more

The “365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas” competition

The “365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas” competition

From 2006 until 2012, the ‘Germany - Land of Ideas’ place-branding initiative in cooperation with Deutsche Bank recognised ideas and projects that make a lasting contribution to Germany’s future viability. more

Study in Germany – Land of Ideas

Study in Germany – Land of Ideas

The international campaign ‘Study in Germany – Land of Ideas’ presents Germany to audiences abroad as a center of study and research. more

Research in Germany – Land of Ideas

Research in Germany – Land of Ideas

Germany presents itself internationally as a place of research and academe under the brand ‘Research in Germany – Land of Ideas’. more

German Centres for Research and Innovation

German Centres for Research and Innovation

The German Centres for Research and Innovation (DWIH) raise global awareness of Germany as a place of research and technology. Our ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ brand gives the DWIH a consistent framework with high recognition value. more
